Hello, It's me
Graduate Student - Arizona State University
Actively Seeking Internship for Summer 2018
Full Stack Developer
Graduate Student at Arizona State University with strong background in Web Application Development actively seeking internship for summer 2018 as a software developer in your company, where I can utilize my skills and gain further experience.
The best way to predict the future is to create it
Advanced Algorithms & Data Structures | Software Enterprise: Inception & Elaboration | Web Apps and Mobile Systems
Advanced Java | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | Database Management System | OOPS
Responsible for the development and maintenance of web app used by customer care representatives of Verizon Wireless.
Introduced many features that give representatives additional information that let them serve customers more efficiently.
Developed a Point of Sale system as a team using HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery, Java and REST API.
Automated the usage of SonarQube (a static code analyzer) by writing a batch script.
Contributed to the DevOps Migration by introducing Test Driven Development to the team.
Worked as a full stack web developer and created applications for Verizon Wireless.
Designed and developed a MEAN stack application for Verizon testers following the complete Agile methodology and CI/CD Pipelines.
Developed a service tracker that analyzes the number of services called, frequency of each service and total turnaround time for each service call.
Masters of Science - Computer Software Engineering student at Arizona State University with over 2-years of experience as a full stack Developer. My core competencies include: Problem Solving, Algorithms, Java, Python, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, XML, JSON. Currently seeking an Internship for Summer 2018.
Authoritatively foster bricks-and-clicks networks rather than superior architectures. Compellingly mesh frictionless imperatives vis-a-vis emerging.
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Node - ExpressJS
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NoSQL - MongoDB
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